News and Events

A Return to In-Person Worship

After receiving your input from the congregation-wide survey about the potential of re-opening the Holy Cross building for worship and other in-person events, a very strong consensus was voiced supporting the importance of offering in-person worship as soon as possible. Thank you for your input!

Holy Cross will hold in-person worship with the option to join via Zoom at our regular time of 9:30 am Mountain Time beginning Sunday, September 12th.

The long-term plan we are working on is a fully “hybrid” worship experience that will enable worship to be experiential, participatory, interactive, and connective for both in-person and digital participants concurrently.

Although this is our long-term plan, and we have already begun working on the technology and infrastructure to make this happen, we will not have every piece of this complicated hybrid puzzle in place by September 12th. Until the time we have the hybrid experience completely implemented, we will live by grace with one another in our life together!

Most importantly, we want you to know that both in-person and digital participants are equally valued and integral to our hybrid worship experience as we enter this next phase of our pandemic and quarantine life together.

Masks covering the nose, mouth, and chin will be required for anyone who enters the Holy Cross building. At this time there will be no congregational singing.

We will make every effort, through dedicated volunteers, to clean and sanitize surfaces before and after worship. These, and all other protocols, will remain fluid and flexible as we do our best to reasonably adopt the frequently changing recommendations of the State of New Mexico, the CDC, and the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA.

I am both excited and fearful for this next step in our life together. The prophet Isaiah reminds me in the midst of my fear, “Say to those who are of a fearful heart, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God.” (Isaiah 35:4) I ask that you take the initiative to be in conversation along our ever-changing journey about how you are experiencing these changes to our worship life together. Please engage me, Intern Brandy, and your congregational council leaders in conversation so we can show care for one another.

Peace and blessings as we move, with God, into unfamiliar territory,

Pastor Matt and Pastoral Intern Brandy

In person or via Zoom at 9:30 am
Community Time
Bring your own beverage, outside on the patio at 10:30 am
Bible Study
In person or via Zoom at 11 am