before worship
We have ample parking available in our lot, including handicap accessible and visitor spots. We have a ramp available from our parking lot into our barrier-free building. We have handicap accessible parking available near the ramp and visitor parking located near our main entrance.
Before worship
Greeters and Ushers
An individual, a couple, or a family will give you a warm welcome as you enter our building. A friendly person will give you today’s bulletin which will have everything you need to participate in worship. The bulletin also contains announcements and a calendar of events for the upcoming week. Greeters and ushers will also point out our worship space, restrooms, and nursery.
before worship
We have nursery space available. We do not staff the nursery as we welcome and value children in worship with us (even children who make noise 😊). Feel free to use this space as a place to feed your child, a cry-room, or for a break for your child. Come and go as you please at any point during worship. Also, a diaper changing facility is located in the nursery.
during worship
You will experience a wide variety of hymns, songs, and worship music played on both the organ and piano. We need your voice to praise God! Also, we have special music offerings from individuals and groups.
during worship
Each week someone reads from the Bible. Usually we have one or two readings from the Old Testament, a New Testament Letter, and a New Testament Gospel reading.
During worship
Each week the pastor will proclaim “Good News” from the Bible readings. We call this the sermon time and is usually 10 minutes or so.
during worship
Each week we collect money to be used for the mission and ministry of this congregation, the wider mission of the ELCA, and mission partners that do work in our community. If you are visiting with us your presence is your offering!
During worship
Each week we pray for the mission and ministry of this congregation, the world, and all those in need.
During worship
Each week we gather around the Lord’s table. In this meal and experience God meets us with grace, mercy, and transformation. We use bread and wine; we offer a gluten-free option and grape juice as well. All are welcome!
During worship
Our worship experience concludes as we are sent out into the world that God passionately loves in order to live and give away this love of God through our very lives!
after worship
Following Worship
We have community time with refreshments in our gathering space followed by Bible study for all ages 11 am to 12 noon.